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November 27, 2004

Ukraine Journalists Drop Bias, CBS to Study Idea

(2004-11-27) — Inspired by a public pledge from Ukrainian TV journalists to provide unbiased reporting from now on, CBS News has launched an internal investigation to assess the potential impact of such a move.

“If it tests well in our focus groups, you can bet that Dan Rather will break the story,” said an unnamed spokesman for CBS. “We’re always looking to improve our bronze-medal broadcast, but you can understand why were cautious. This new theory of news coverage would require massive re-staffing here and at our bureaus around the world.”

The CBS source added that if the other U.S. networks didn’t follow suit, and begin removing the bias from their newscasts, “we’re going to look like a bunch of liars, and we’ll be virtually alone. Other than Fox News, we have no empirical evidence to suggest that integrity and balance is a profitable marketing position to own. The concept is too new, too cutting edge.”

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  1. Scott Ott Reports

    . . . that CBS might follow the lead of Ukranian journalists: (2004-11-27) — Inspired by a public pledge from Ukrainian TV journalists to provide unbiased reporting from now on, CBS News has launched an internal investigation to assess the…

    Trackback by Little Miss Attila — November 27, 2004 @ 7:18 pm

  2. Ukraine media pledges no more bias, et tu CBS?

    Funny, the same thing crossed my mind when I read this from the BBC on Friday:A correspondent on the state channel, UT1, announced live on the evening bulletin that the entire news team was going to join the protests in Independence Square. She said th…

    Trackback by No Illusions — November 29, 2004 @ 1:55 am

  3. Academia: The Last Liberal Refuge?

    A few months ago I read a study on leftists in media, and a liberal journalist said that Democrats dominated the media because conservatives tend not to pursue low-paying journalism jobs. You buy that? Remind me to tell you about the job interview I ha…

    Trackback by La Shawn Barber's Corner — November 29, 2004 @ 12:04 pm

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