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Sen. Boxer Proposes Abortion Training for All Federal Workers

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-11-20) — Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-CA, has proposed an amendment to a $388 billion must-pass spending bill which would require all employees of the federal government to receive training in how to administer an abortion.

The amendment is designed to counter an effort by Senate Republicans to forbid discrimination by the federal government against health care professionals who refuse to do abortions.

“If the right-wing has its way, the federal government will become a threat to women everywhere,” said Ms. Boxer. “By equipping every federal worker to provide abortions, my amendment puts a big smiley face on every government building, vehicle and name badge. It says to women, ‘The government loves you. You’re safe with us.’”

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