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NBC Reporter Declines Al-Jazeera ‘Best Video’ Award

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-11-16) — NBC News reporter Kevin Sites today declined to accept Al-Jazeera’s Best News Video Award for 2004, insisting that there are many reporters who deserve the recognition, and that he just “happened to be in the right place at the right time.”

Mr. Sites chalked it up to “dumb luck” that he was able to record a U.S. Marine shooting a captured terrorist in the mosque which the terrorist had used as a battle station during his fight against American forces.

“I’m no hero,” Mr. Sites said. “The real heroes are the executives at NBC News who had the guts to show my video over and over, even after all the heat they took for refusing to show footage of terrorists beheading innocent American civilians. I think that speaks volumes about their character and professionalism.”

An Al-Jazeera spokesman said Mr. Sites and NBC have used their art to “advance the cause of freedom in a fashion reminiscent of Michael Moore.”

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0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 amcgltd // Nov 17, 2004 at 10:29 am

    A Little Perspective

    Is violent death ever funny? No, not really, but irony and hypocrisy, well, that’s a different matter altogether: (2004-11-16) — NBC News reporter Kevin Sites today declined to accept Al-Jazeera’s Best News Video Award for 2004, insisting that there…

  • 2 Sue Bob's Diary // Nov 17, 2004 at 2:52 pm

    The MSM’s Hero


    For additional coverage concerning this “intrepid” reporter visit here. (Hee! Hee!)

    An Al-Jazeera spokesman said Mr. Sites and NBC have used their art to “advance the cause of freedom in a fashion reminiscent of Michael Moore.”