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Help Scott Ott De-Throne Michael Moore, Al Franken

by Scott Ott · No Comments

Dear ScrappleFace Reader,

I’m Scott Ott and I need your help to “humble” Michael Moore and Al Franken.

“Axis of Weasels,” my first book, is now available in paperback from MacMenamin Press and at But don’t expect the mainstream media to celebrate its arrival as if it were the latest from Michael Moore or Al Franken. It will take a revolutionary grassroots movement to overpower the bias and get “Axis of Weasels” to the top of the bestseller list. Here are several ways you can help de-throne Franken and Moore.

- Buy a copy, 6-pack or case (24) of “Axis of Weasels,” either from the publisher (using PayPal or credit card), or from Amazon , and give it to all of your alert friends…conservatives and liberals alike.
- Send a note to all of your email friends with links to MacMenamin Press and
- Ask your favorite local bookstore to stock “Axis of Weasels”
- Send a copy of “Axis of Weasels” to your favorite talk radio host, columnist, editor and/or book reviewer.
- Ask your local public libraries and school libraries to stock “Axis of Weasels.”

“Axis of Weasels” includes raves from Rush Limbaugh (”Scott Ott is hilarious”), William Kristol, James Taranto, Michelle Malkin and Kathryn Jean Lopez, among others. The book is a collection of the best and most timeless stories from the world’s number one daily news satire site. It’s a laughing history of the great events and great public figures of our times. It’s parody that brings clarity to important issues and current events in a bathroom-friendly edition.

While the author hopes to become wealthy, if not famous, from the proceeds of this book…it’s more important that we send a message to the mainstream
media that Al Franken and Michael Moore don’t own the franchise for political satire. Get your copies of “Axis of Weasels” today, and join the revolution.

Thank You,
Scott Ott, editor-in-chief
Author of “Axis of Weasels”
The New Paperback from
MacMenamin Press
(also at

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Tags: Media/Journalism

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Spacecraft // Sep 22, 2004 at 3:37 pm

    Axis of Weasels

    Have you bought your copy of Scott Ott’s new book, Axis of Weasels? Looks like it might be a good read, and it’s a steal at $12.95. I’m ordering mine from the publisher right now….