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August 30, 2004

Internet Turns 35, Moves Out of Parent’s Basement

(2004-08-30) — The Internet officially turns 35-years-old on September 2, and according to sources close to the world wide web, it may finally move out of its parents’ basement.

Born in 1969, the Internet really came of age during the early 1990s. But with a tough job market, the Internet couldn’t earn a decent living doing anything “legitimate,” according to friends of the family.

“We’ll miss little Webby,” said his father, “but we’re hoping he’ll find a way to make money outside of the gaming and adult entertainment industries. Now that he’s out of the basement, we’re hoping to put something more useful down there-like a sump pump.”

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  1. Around the blogosphere

    It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so let’s see what others are writing about today. From Right Wing News, John Hawkins still has questions about Kerry’s first Purple Heart. Scrappleface reports on the Internet’s upcoming birthday….

    Trackback by democrats give conservatives indigestion — August 31, 2004 @ 10:32 am

  2. Back to work

    Okay, okay, I’m done blogging for now, I swear! Yes, CrimLaw, I hear you calling…

    Trackback by The Irish Trojan's Blog — September 1, 2004 @ 2:28 pm

  3. Not a Day Over 29

    Scott Ott reminds us of a birthday - the internet turns 35 today. We here at the Mudville Gazette are proud to be part of this long tradition. As you should know, the first computers were developed by the military…

    Trackback by Mudville Gazette — September 2, 2004 @ 3:51 pm

  4. The origins of blogging

    The internet was 35 yesterday. What I didn’t realise was that blogging both pre-dates the net and also owes its existence to the US military. Who knew? (via Dean)…

    Trackback by Simon World — September 3, 2004 @ 1:53 am

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