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August 26, 2004

Bush Campaign Shift: Now, It’s a One-Man Race

(2004-08-26) — President George Bush today announced a major strategy shift in his re-election campaign brought on by what he described as “the failure of my nominal opponent to present a single reason voters should support him.”

The Bush-Cheney campaign will now simply ignore John Forbes Kerry, the Democrat candidate and Vietnam veteran who is also a U.S. Senator.

“It’s hard to mount an entire campaign against an opponent who has no record, no bedrock values, no consistent positions, no new ideas and only wants to talk about something he hasn’t done for 35 years,” said Mr. Bush. “So far, the fight has been between me and anti-me…Bush against hate-Bush. From now on, we’re looking at a one-man race for the presidency.”

Campaign insiders said TV and radio ads will no longer mention the Democrat candidate, but will simply focus on the president’s record and his vision for the future.

“I can’t change people whose hearts overflow with hatred,” said the president. “So I’ll just focus on rallying those whose minds are still open. We’re going to target what you call your sentient beings.”

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  1. New Strategy

    Bush Campaign Shift: Now, It’s a One-Man Race - sounds like a good plan to me!…

    Trackback by Random Thoughts — August 26, 2004 @ 10:37 am

  2. Mmmm. ScraplleFace.

    A pundit really enjoys wicked satire

    Trackback by WhatsAPundit — August 26, 2004 @ 12:58 pm

  3. Ah if only this were true:

    read scrappleface My #1 complaint about Bush is that he has the cowboy thing that you don’t talk, you do. That’s a good rule in life, but as president, part of the job is talking up why you do things, and he doesn’t do enough of that…

    Trackback by The Opinionated Bastard — August 26, 2004 @ 3:53 pm

  4. Instapundit…

    …brought me to this. And I am gigglingly greatful. Thank you, Instapundit!…

    Trackback by resurrectionsong — August 26, 2004 @ 4:29 pm

  5. Truth In Satire

    Funny, because its true: (2004-08-26) — President George Bush today announced a major strategy shift in his re-election campaign brought on by what he described as “the failure of my nominal opponent to present a single reason voters should support…

    Trackback by Say Anything — August 26, 2004 @ 9:24 pm

  6. Scott Ott

    . . . declares the November election a “one man race.”…

    Trackback by Little Miss Attila — August 27, 2004 @ 7:09 am

  7. All we are saying - is give “News” a chance!

    The Word for the Day is: “Pipe Dreams” Hrmm… I’ve been getting a Page Not Found error on my blogmail for several days now. Finally shot an email to Eric to see if he had any ideas. So, anyone who’s…

    Trackback by Who Tends the Fires — August 27, 2004 @ 7:24 am

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