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July 29, 2004

Kerry to Tell Undecided Voters: ‘I’m One of You’

(2004-07-29) — In a leaked excerpt of the nomination acceptance speech John Forbes Kerry will deliver tonight at the Democrat convention, the presidential candidate will tell undecided voters: “I’m one of you.”

Political strategists agree the message should resonate with the independent and undecided Americans who Democrats and Republicans alike view as their most valued constituency.

“If you don’t know for whom you should vote, or how you stand on the important issues of our day,” Mr. Kerry will say, “you have a brother in John Kerry. I’m one of you.”

The Democrat National Committee has already produced thousands of red, white and blue placards that delegates will wave during the speech which read: “Undecided for Kerry.”

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  1. From Scrappleface

    ScrappleFace Scrappleface is one of the kings of satire on the net. Here’s a gem: “If you don’t know for whom you should vote, or how you stand on the important issues of our day,” Mr. Kerry will say, “you…

    Trackback by The Commons — July 29, 2004 @ 10:29 am

  2. Convention’s Best Headline

    Scott Ott at Scrappleface wins, hands down with:Kerry to Tell Undecided Voters: ‘I’m One of You’…

    Trackback by Somewhere on A1A... — July 29, 2004 @ 4:34 pm

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