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July 19, 2004

First Wave of Kerry Ballot Lawyers Lands in Florida

(2004-07-19) — The first wave of Democrat attorneys has landed in south Florida—some in amphibious landing vehicles, others from the air—according to sources in the U.S. Coast Guard and Transportation Security Administration.

Under the command of Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry, and with the protection of several United Nations battalions, the lawyers came ashore and took up positions near polling places, and “strategic sports bars”.

“We thought they were Cubans at first,” said an unnamed Coast Guard source. “until they made a fuss about getting their shoes wet on the beach.”

Mr. Kerry, and his trial lawyer running-mate John Edwards, have promised to protect the people of Florida, especially black citizens, from Republican efforts to disenfranchise them simply because they don’t know how to use a punch-card ballot.

“The people of Florida are safe this morning,” said Mr. Kerry, “Thanks to our legal forces and the sovereign government of the United Nations, we have monitors and peacekeepers in position.”

In a radio address from his command post, Mr. Kerry assured Florida residents that the lawyers were there for their protection, and “not for any political or monetary advantage that may accrue to them in the process.”

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  1. Scrappleface: Kerry Lawyers

    NZ Pundit got me subscribed to the great satire of Scrappleface. Today’s post on the invasion of Florida by John Kerry lawyers is a must read!…

    Trackback by David Farrar — July 19, 2004 @ 5:40 pm

  2. Tuesday’s Daily News

    Relevant News and Commentary Club for Growth Sets Up Kansas Office - Linking Social Security and prosperity - A. Linkletter, Wash Times The Incredible Shrinking Deficit - J. Kemp, The Governator vs. the Girlie Men - Dallas Morni…

    Trackback by The Club for Growth Blog — July 20, 2004 @ 10:17 am

  3. Kerry’s House of Ketchup #19

    Kerry speaks. Welcome to the 19th edition of the most stupendous John Kerry linkfest of the entire Internet. (If…

    Trackback by The American Mind — July 22, 2004 @ 2:33 am

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