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June 30, 2004

Spider-Man 2 Conspires to Silence Michael Moore

(2004-06-30) — Spider-Man 2 is part of “a web of deception, a conspiracy to silence” Oscar-winning documentarist Michael Moore, according to the filmmaker whose Fahrenheit 9/11 is America’s current number one box office smash.

“It’s not just the cynical timing of the release of Spider-Man 2,” said Mr. Moore, “but the movie endorses the unilateral and so-called righteous use of power to overcome so-called evil. This is a thinly-veiled rebuttal of Fahrenheit 9/11 and the entire security plank of the Democrat National Committee platform.”

Mr. Moore added that buying a ticket to Spider-Man 2 is “tantamount to voting for George Bush.”

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  1. I told you this would happen

    Spiderman vs. Michael Moore. But as I said earlier, Moore had this planned from the beginning….

    Trackback by — July 1, 2004 @ 9:35 am

  2. Scrappleface Satire

    There’s some funny stuff there this week. My favorite entries:

    Trackback by Chasing the Wind — July 2, 2004 @ 10:04 am

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