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June 21, 2004

SpaceShipOne Pilot Glimpses Edge of Clinton Book Hype

(2004-06-21) — Mike Melvill, the world’s first private-industry astronaut, said today that as SpaceShipOne reached the zenith of its 62-mile high space flight, he caught a glimpse of the upper edge of the hype surrounding former President Bill Clinton’s new memoir, My Life.

“I saw the curvature of the earth’s atmosphere, the blackness of outer space and shimmering crest of the Clinton book hyposphere,” said Mr. Melvill.

His discovery may put to rest the debate in the scientific community over whether the hype ever comes to an end.

“From what I saw,” said Mr. Melvill, “I think the Clinton book hype eventually folds in on itself, collapsing to form dense, cloudy mass.”

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  1. Where no man has gone before

    Scott Ott gives a glimpse of the real final frontier….

    Trackback by Inoperable Terran — June 22, 2004 @ 10:45 am

  2. Book Hype

    I spent a lot of time Monday and Tuesday flipping through the TV channels at the hospital, both during and after labor. I was astonished at the number of times I saw references to the Clinton autobiography. I literally could…

    Trackback by Note-It Posts — June 23, 2004 @ 2:31 pm

  3. Thursday’s Daily News

    Relevant News and Commentary New York City Tax Follies - E.J. McMahon, New York Post Random Thoughts - Tom Sowell, Putting Taxes on Ice - Veronique de Rugy, AEI Reagan Embraced Free Trade and Immigration - Daniel Griswold, Cato…

    Trackback by The Club for Growth Blog — June 24, 2004 @ 10:23 am

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