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May 11, 2004

Kerry: Rumsfeld Should Quit to Display U.S. Justice

(2004-05-11) — U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should resign immediately to demonstrate to the global community how the American justice system works, according to Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry.

“Our system of justice says that a man is innocent until drummed out of office through the outcry of his political opponents,” said Mr. Kerry. “Our troops are fighting and dying so that someday Iraqis and Afghanis will enjoy that kind of justice, unhindered by the grinding cogs of so-called ‘due process of law’.”

Mr. Kerry added that when he becomes president, he’ll fire any cabinet member who won’t quit after his political opponents call for his resignation.

“The world is watching us,” said Mr. Kerry. “We must demonstrate that, in a free nation, justice is blind and deaf.”

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  1. Of course

    Kerry’s trying to take people for a ride. With Ted Kennedy, no doubt….

    Trackback by Inoperable Terran — May 11, 2004 @ 9:12 am

  2. Dumping Rummy

    Scott Ott: U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should resign immediately to demonstrate to the global community how the American justice system works, according to…

    Trackback by Outside the Beltway — May 11, 2004 @ 9:31 am

  3. ScrappleFace: Kerry - Rumsfeld Should Quit to Display U.S. Justice

    This sums it up for me: (2004-05-11) — U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld should resign immediately to demonstrate to the global community how the American justice system works, according to Democrat presidential hopeful John Forbes Kerry. “Our…

    Trackback by Brutally Honest — May 11, 2004 @ 11:33 am

  4. We Love Him, We Love Him Not…

    The battle over Rummy is more heated than ever. Victor Davis Hanson has laid out by far the most convincing reason to keep Rumsfeld on (and why not to vote for Kerry) that I’ve read. Basically, doing it will (for…

    Trackback by The Conjecturer — May 15, 2004 @ 1:25 am

  5. We Love Him, We Love Him Not…

    The battle over Rummy is more heated than ever. Victor Davis Hanson has laid out by far the most convincing reason to keep Rumsfeld on (and why not to vote for Kerry) that I’ve read. Basically, axing him will (for…

    Trackback by The Conjecturer — May 16, 2004 @ 4:48 am

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