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Disney Permits Release of Revised Michael Moore Film

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-05-05) — Disney Corporation today announced that it would allow its Miramax subsidiary to release a movie by Oscar-winning documentarist Michael Moore after making some “stylistic changes.”

The announcement follows previous news that Disney would prevent Miramax from releasing ‘Fahreinheit 911′, reportedly due to its portrayal of President George Bush.

“Disney avoids highly-charged political movies,” said an unnamed company spokesman. “But with a few tweaks, Mr. Moore’s movie has been made to fit the Disney mold.”

The newly-revised Michael Moore film is “an animated classic- with the edginess of Mr. Moore’s ‘Roger and Me‘ and yet the whimsical style which has made Disney synonymous with family entertainment.”

The new title for the movie is George and the Giant Peach.

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