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Kerry Needs Theme, Gore Suggests ‘Love Story’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-05-02) — As Sen. John Forbes Kerry struggles to find a theme for his presidential campaign, former Democrat presidential candidate Al Gore today offered his suggestion-The Theme from Love Story.

According to a report in The New York Times, Mr. Kerry has been through at least six different themes, none of which have “caught fire” with the American public.

Mr. Gore said, “It’s important that any campaign theme has universal appeal which crosses ideological boundaries. As most voters will recall, the main character in the novel “Love Story” was based on me. And even though that was way back in the days when I was trying to convince someone to invent the Internet, The Theme from Love Story is a timeless classic.”

Mr. Kerry, who according to his campaign co-chair is so “thoughtful” that “it takes him a while to say things” responded to Mr. Gore’s suggestion by saying, “Where do I begin…”

A Kerry spokesman promised a more complete response in the coming days.

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