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April 30, 2004

Koppel to Read Names of Saddam’s Victims

(2004-04-30) — ABC-TV journalist Ted Koppel, who caused a firestorm of controversy with his plan to read the names of U.S. troops killed in Iraq, today announced that in the interest of balance and fairness next week he will read another list on his show, Nightline.

“I would never want anyone to accuse me of bias. After all, I’m a journalist, devoted to accurately portraying world events,” said Mr. Koppel. “So, next week I will read the list of Iraqis who were raped, tortured and killed by Saddam Hussein’s regime after President George H.W. Bush declared victory in the Gulf War on February 28, 1991.”

Mr. Koppel said next week’s Nightline will be a “special extended episode starting Friday and running non-stop until the day I retire from ABC.”

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  1. You Gotta Love ScrappleFace.

    ScrappleFace suggests this follow-up to tonight’s broadcast. Koppel to Read Names of Saddam’s Victims (2004-04-30) — ABC-TV journalist Ted Koppel, who caused a firestorm of controversy with his plan to read the names of U.S. troops ki…

    Trackback by The Big Picture — April 30, 2004 @ 2:06 pm

  2. In The Interest Of A Balanced Media

    Nothing like a little satire to bring the absurdity of an issue into the spotlight. From Scrappleface: Koppel to Read Names of Saddam’s Victims ABC-TV journalist Ted Koppel, who caused a firestorm of controversy with his plan to read the…

    Trackback by Say Anything — April 30, 2004 @ 3:44 pm


    ScrappleFaceIs Scott Ott a genius or what? Check out his brilliant post today in response to Koppel’s reading of the names of US soldiers killed in Iraq tonight on Nightline: ABC-TV journalist Ted Koppel, who caused a firestorm of controversy

    Trackback by Sideline SquawkBox — April 30, 2004 @ 4:18 pm

  4. Koppel - No politics involved

    Ted Koppel will be reading the list of American soldiers killed in Iraq tonight. In what will be seen as a defiant move against the Bush presidency, one of America’s major TV stations is to broadcast a list of the

    Trackback by Brutally Honest — April 30, 2004 @ 10:03 pm

  5. Canker Blossom

    April 30, 2004 Koppel to Read Names of Saddam’s Victims (2004-04-30) — ABC-TV journalist Ted Koppel, who caused a…

    Trackback by Curmudgeonly & Skeptical — May 1, 2004 @ 1:10 pm

  6. Koppel to Read Names of Saddam’s Victims

    by Scott Ott (2004-04-30) — ABC-TV journalist Ted Koppel, who caused a firestorm of controversy with his plan to read the names of U.S. troops killed in Iraq, today announced that in the interest of balance and fairness next week he will read another …

    Trackback by American Digest — May 1, 2004 @ 11:30 pm

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