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Spy Tapes of Annan Show No Evidence of ‘United’ Nations

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-02-26) — Secretly-taped conversations involving U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan reveal no evidence of the so-called “united” nations that Mr. Annan “hyped” in the run up to the Iraq war, according to a former British cabinet secretary who has read the transcripts.

Clare Short, who resigned as International Development Secretary last year, claimed today that she has read British intelligence agency transcripts of Mr. Annan’s private meetings and was “shocked to learn from them that the so-called ‘United’ Nations is an expensive charade.”

“There’s nothing ‘united’ about these nations at all,” said Ms. Short. “And these tapes prove that Kofi Annan knew it before the Iraq war, but hid the fact from the people of Earth.”

Ms. Short called for an investigation into how “Kofi Annan’s deception scuttled U.S. and British efforts to use the threat of force to get Saddam Hussein to comply with international sanctions.”

“If there really were a United Nations, as Annan led us to believe,” she said, “then sanctions would have worked, saving thousands of lives.”

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  • 1 trying to grok // Mar 1, 2004 at 3:33 am


    Some good links that popped up over the weekend while I was busy fighting with HTML: Nelson Ascher has an interesting analysis of Tony Blair. Many Americans seem to prefer Blair to Bush, so I found Ascher’s point of view…