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Gibson Warns Film May Spur ‘Infectious Pro-Semitism’

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2004-02-17) — Mel Gibson, producer of the controversial new film The Passion of the Christ, told ABC’s Diane Sawyer that his movie may spark “a backlash of infectious pro-Semitism.”

“Jesus was a Jew,” said Mr. Gibson, “And this movie may inspire people to love Jesus. I know that pro-Semitism is shocking, but that’s the risk you take when you tell the gospel story.”

Mr. Gibson said he considered including the following warning on ads for the film:

The Passion of the Christ contains pro-Semitic content and may lead you to follow the world’s most famous Jew, and to want to share His saving love with other people…including Jews.”

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  • 1 brendoman-dot-com // Feb 20, 2004 at 11:36 pm

    “Infectious Pro-Semitism”

    The following was found on the “all news, all the time” site of Scrapple Face. Mel Gibson, producer of the controversial new film The Passion of the Christ, told ABC’s Diane Sawyer that his movie may spark “a backlash of infectious pro-Semitism.” “Jesu…

  • 2 Honzo, defender of Rational Thought Processes! // Feb 20, 2004 at 11:36 pm

    “Infectious Pro-Semitism”

    The following was found on the “all news, all the time” site of Scrapple Face. Mel Gibson, producer of the controversial new film The Passion of the Christ, told ABC’s Diane Sawyer that his movie may spark “a backlash of…

  • 3 brendoman-dot-com // Feb 20, 2004 at 11:40 pm

    “Infectious Pro-Semitism”

    Honzo @…

  • 4 Honzo, defender of Rational Thought Processes! // Feb 21, 2004 at 12:28 am

    “Infectious Pro-Semitism”

    The following was found on the “all news, all the time” site of Scrapple Face. Mel Gibson, producer of the controversial new film The Passion of the Christ, told ABC’s Diane Sawyer that his movie may spark “a backlash of…