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Rivals Call Dean ‘Unfit’ After Flapjack Outburst

by Scott Ott · No Comments

(2004-01-17) — In his second angry outburst during his Iowa campaign, Democrat presidential contender Howard Dean told an errant flapjack to “sit down on the griddle and stay there.”

Mr. Dean had been flipping the pancake when it missed his spatula, and landed with a dull slap on his bare forearm. With several dozen TV cameras whirring, Mr. Dean became visibly agitated, and raised his voice as he admonished the flapjack.

His Democrat opponents immediately seized upon the outburst as evidence that Mr. Dean may be “unfit” for the presidency.

“Imagine if he had been flipping that flapjack at the U.N. or a W.T.O. conference,” said an unnamed aide of an unnamed candidate. “I don’t think Iowans want to take the risk of having Howard Dean’s hand on the spatula of power.”

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Tags: Politics

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  • 1 Note-It Posts // Jan 18, 2004 at 9:03 am

    The Spatula of Power

    In his second angry outburst during his Iowa campaign, Democrat presidential contender Howard Dean told an errant flapjack to “sit down on the griddle and stay there.” […] “Imagine if he had been flipping that flapjack at the U.N. or…