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Dean Blames Bush for Job-less New Testament

by Scott Ott · No Comments

(2004-01-04) — Democrat presidential frontrunner Howard Dean today blamed President George Bush for what he called “the Job-less New Testament.”
The criticism follows Mr. Dean’s admission this week that his favorite book in the New Testament was Job. An hour later he told reporters that he had misspoken since Job is part of the Old Testament. But today he displayed his characteristic combativeness in claiming that “the Job-less New Testament is Bush’s fault just like the jobless economic recovery.”
“The Bush administration would like us all to focus on the Good News,” said Mr. Dean, “But if you don’t have a Job, it’s harder to enjoy New Testament. Many scholars suggest that Bush policies are to blame for the Job loss.”

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Tags: Politics

0 responses so far ↓

  • 1 PunditFilter // Jan 5, 2004 at 10:03 pm

    Shredding Dean’s God card

    Dean’s spirituality (or lack of it) has been a popular subject lately. Cal Thomas has now also weighed in with “Dean’s pleadings” in the Washington Times. Michael J. Totten, James Joyner, and Donald Sensing do some fisking. Update: Greg Wythe takes a m…

  • 2 King of Fools // Jan 6, 2004 at 11:21 am

    Scrappleface Gem

    Ok, this is a few days old, but I just found it, and I’m still chuckling: Dean Blames Bush for Job-less New Testament (2004-01-04) — Democrat presidential frontrunner Howard Dean today blamed President George Bush for what he called “the…