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December 29, 2003

Angel Tells Bishop Atheists Worship Same God

(2003-12-29) — The Right Reverend John Bryson Chane, Episcopal bishop of Washington, today announced that the “angel Gabriel” told him that Christians worship the same God as atheists do.
“Gabriel said we’re all God’s children,” said Mr. Chane, “and any distinctions in belief are not meaningful. Faith in God is the same thing as non-belief and we should unite with our atheist brothers in this revelation from Gabriel — who either exists or does not.”
The announcement of his angelic visitation follows the bishop’s Christmas sermon at the National Cathedral in Washington, during which he said that the angel Gabriel “was sent by God to reveal the sacred Quran to the prophet Muhammad“.
Mr. Chane urged all Christians and atheists to unite behind this “newly-revealed doctrine.”
“This revelation should bring together people of all religions with those who think that so-called ‘god’ is merely a clever fiction invented by men to control others,” he said.

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  1. Um, No!

    Ith reports on the sermon at the National Cathedral Christmas day. I have never walked out of a sermon before, but I would have had I been there. It seems we’re all muslims now:And what was God thinking… when the

    Trackback by Pinwheels and Orange Peels — December 30, 2003 @ 3:30 pm

  2. Huh?

    While probably obvious to anyone who will be reading this site, I am a Chrstian. I really hate denominationism. The threats to Christianity, combined with the enorminty of the importance of the battle, necessitate that we put aside our minor…

    Trackback by Peace for Our Time — December 30, 2003 @ 4:54 pm

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