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December 22, 2003

DNC to Capitalize on ‘Good-News Fatigue’ in 2004

(2003-12-22) — The capture of Saddam Hussein, Libya’s offer to destroy its WMD and increasing signs of economic recovery at home all leave George Bush “incredibly vulnerable” at the polls in 2004, according to Democrat National Committee (DNC) chairman Terry McAuliffe.
“People can only take so much positive news before it begins to drain them,” said Mr. McAuliffe. “The incessant drip, drip, drip of good news is exhausting. Democrat candidates in 2004 will have a clear, focused message: ‘Eliminate Good-News Fatigue. Vote Democrat’.”
The other factor portending a Democrat presidency is the natural human tendency to expect the worst when things are going well.
For that reason, the DNC considered using a more proactive slogan: ‘Democrats Don’t Wait for Bad News, We Make it Happen’.
Mr. McAuliffe noted that most people are more “realistic” than President Bush, so the Democrat message of a failing economy and a foreign policy quagmire hold more credibility.
“No one really believes these surging economic indicators,” he said. “For that matter, most in my party don’t believe that we caught Saddam…at least not recently.”

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  1. Heh…And then some

    Scrappleface, always funny, is on a real tear lately. Here are the latest headlines:2004 Preview: High Court to Amend 1st Amendment — DNC to Capitalize on ‘Good-News Fatigue’ in 2004 — Albright: ‘Rings’ Sequel Timed to Benefit Bush — Microsoft…

    Trackback by murdoc online — December 22, 2003 @ 12:58 pm


    The inimitable Scrappleface: “DNC to Capitalize on ‘Good-News Fatigue’ in 2004″: . . . For that reason, the DNC considered using a more proactive slogan: ‘Democrats Don’t Wait for Bad News, We Make it Happen’.

    Trackback by Newmark's Door — December 23, 2003 @ 7:05 am

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