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Gore Shows Early Signs of Alzheimer’s

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · No Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2002-09-30) — Former vice president Al Gore may announce this week that he has Alzheimer’s disease. The revelation comes after Gore’s September 23 speech to the Commonwealth Club.
During the Q&A session he said, “We went through all of World War II without poison gas being used save in some horrible experiments in the Far East, but not used by combatants.”
He went on to claim that Saddam Hussein was the first to break that “taboo,” apparently forgetting the countless civilians who died in Nazi gas chambers.
“It’s sad that Al has lost his grip on widely-known facts,” said a close friend, “We’d noticed before that his memory of his White House years was spotty, but this just confirms what we all feared.”
Gore’s failing memory won’t affect his run for the White House in 2004. As an aide said, “It’s never mattered before. Why should it now?”
[Editor's Note: While Gore's comment does not appear in a transcript of the speech, it can be heard in the audio of the Q&A session, about 2 minutes in.]

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  • 1 // Oct 1, 2002 at 10:12 am

    If Gore Didn’t Exist, The Comedy Channel Would Have To Invent Him

    Gore accidentally denies holocaust. ScrappleFace barely needs effort to spoof.