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September 30, 2005

Rep. DeLay Admits to ‘All Specific Charges’

(2005-09-30) — Rep. Tom DeLay, R-TX, who yesterday stepped down as House Majority Leader after a Texas grand jury indicted him, today confessed that he had “committed every specific offense enumerated in the indictment.”

The three page ‘bill of indictment‘ contains the specific allegation that the Texas lawmaker waived his right to avoid prosecution under the law.

Texas law requires that an indictment for criminal conspiracy be presented within three years of the alleged offense, but this one missed the deadline by 15 days.

“I cannot tell a lie,” said Mr. DeLay, “I knowingly waived my right to legally dodge prosecution. Since I did this on the advice of my attorney, I guess that’s what you call your criminal conspiracy. I feel dirty.”

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  1. No insider trading involved, majority leader says

    WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Monday that he had no insider information

    Trackback by Political News and Blog Aggregator — September 30, 2005 @ 1:37 pm

  2. Shiny!

    Today’s dose of NIF - News, Interesting & Funny … Fun Loving Friday

    Trackback by NIF — September 30, 2005 @ 10:06 pm

  3. DeLay

    (2005-09-30) — Rep. Tom DeLay, R-TX, who yesterday stepped down as House Majority Leader after a Texas grand jury indicted him, today confessed that he had “committed every specific offense enumerated in the indictment.” The three page ‘bill of indict…

    Trackback by The Common Virtue — October 3, 2005 @ 5:39 am

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