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Entries from September 2008

Sarah Palin Calls Katie Couric a Personal Hero

by Scott Ott · 92 Comments

(2008-09-30) — Despite CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric’s aggressive, sharp-elbowed and sometimes sarcastic treatment of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin in a series of interview segments this week, Gov. Palin tonight called Ms. Couric “a personal hero of mine.”

“Katie’s a trailblazer,” Gov. Palin said. “She stepped into a man’s world to do the serious news [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism · Politics

McCain: Allow Treasury to Buy Worthless House Seats

by Scott Ott · 9 Comments

(2008-09-30) — Sen. John McCain said he would introduce a revised version of the failed $700 billion financial-sector bailout bill in the Senate this week expanding the powers of the Treasury Secretary by allowing him to buy up not only junk mortgage securities, but also worthless seats in the House and Senate.

“The real crisis we [...]


Tags: Business  · Politics · U.S. News

Obama Steps Up to Solve Financial Crisis

by Scott Ott · 25 Comments

(2008-09-30) — Sen. Barack Obama, D-IL, in an effort to demonstrate the leadership qualities which will make him a great president, today offered his own proposal to defuse the current financial crisis in the wake of yesterday’s failure of the Bush-Pelosi financial-sector bailout plan.
“The House rejected the bailout because folks don’t trust [Treasury Secretary] Hank [...]


Tags: Business  · Politics · U.S. News

Bailout Fails, Mandatory Sunrise Bill Falters

by Scott Ott · 20 Comments

(2008-09-29) — Just minutes after the Bush administration’s $700 billion financial-sector takeover went down to defeat in the House today, Congressional Democrats introduced a bill that would mandate a 6:02 a.m. (EST) sunrise for Tuesday.
“The sun will come out tomorrow,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, “but only if Congress takes action now to [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Bush: Free Market Experiment a Success, Done

by Scott Ott · 20 Comments

(2008-09-29) — President George Bush this morning, in calling for rapid Congressional approval of a $700 billion takeover of mismanaged sectors of the financial industry, declared American free market capitalism “a successful experiment which is now over.”

“The Founders’ instincts were correct,” said President Bush, “The invisible hand of free markets has succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest [...]


Tags: Business  · U.S. News

McCain: Bailout Deal Hinges on Length of Perp Walks

by Scott Ott · 11 Comments

(2008-09-28) — Sen. John McCain said reluctant Republicans would sign on to a $700 billion federal bailout of “Big Finance”, as soon as Democrats agree “to require criminally-negligent Wall Street CEOs and their enablers in Congress to perform a videotaped and broadcast perp walk, of not less than 10 yards per million dollars squandered.”
The 11th-hour [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Poll: Uncommitted See Obama as Most Like Them

by Scott Ott · 57 Comments

(2008-09-27) — In the wake of the first presidential debate between Senators John McCain and Barack Obama, a


Tags: Politics