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Entries from September 2005

NARAL Applauds Bennett’s Pro-Choice Remark

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-09-30) — The National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) today praised an apparently pro-choice remark by former secretary of education Bill Bennett on his conservative radio talkshow yesterday.
On the nationally-syndicated ‘Morning in America‘ program, Mr. Bennett told a caller “…if you wanted to reduce crime, you could, if that were your sole purpose, [...]


Tags: Uncategorized

Rep. DeLay Admits to ‘All Specific Charges’

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-09-30) — Rep. Tom DeLay, R-TX, who yesterday stepped down as House Majority Leader after a Texas grand jury indicted him, today confessed that he had “committed every specific offense enumerated in the indictment.”
The three page ‘bill of indictment‘ contains the specific allegation that the Texas lawmaker waived his right to avoid prosecution under the [...]


Tags: Law

Freed Times Reporter Inspired by Otis Campbell

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-09-30) — Judith Miller, the New York Times reporter jailed July 6 for protecting a news source who sought no protection related to a story she never wrote, said today that her imprisonment and release were inspired by Otis Campbell, the lovable drunkard from TV’s Andy Griffith Show.
“When Otis went on a bender, he’d show [...]


Tags: Media/Journalism

Chief Justice Roberts Greets New ‘Legal Amigos’

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-09-30) — Chief Justice John Roberts, who won appointment to the Supreme Court and took the oath of office yesterday, reached out to his new colleagues today in a letter to the eight associate justices which began “Dear Legal Amigos.”
Judge Roberts, who endured criticism from Democrats during his Senate confirmation hearings for having once referred [...]


Tags: Law

Former FEMA Chief Too Late to Rescue Congress

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-09-28) — Former FEMA Director Mike Brown told a House investigative panel yesterday that he takes much of the blame for the agency’s response to “a national disaster of horrifying proportions which continues to cause pain, heartache and devastating financial hardship for millions of Americans.”
“I should have come to Congress sooner to witness this tragedy [...]


Tags: U.S. News

Dover Evolution Lawyer Eats Counsel for Defense

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-09-27) — An attorney for the plaintiffs in a Pennsylvania courtroom yesterday briefly startled a federal district judge by stalking, slaying and eating a member of the legal team defending the Dover Area School District during a case that many are calling ’round two’ of the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial.
Judge John E. Jones III cautioned [...]


Tags: Science

Cindy Sheehan Arrested, Forced to Live Indoors

by Scott Ott · Comments Off

(2005-09-26) — Washington D.C. police today arrested anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan, forcing her to live indoors, at least temporarily.
Police took her into custody for sitting on a sidewalk, blocking pedestrian traffic near the White House, as a crowd of her supporters chanted, “No Bush. No Wars. No law can make us live indoors.”
Mrs. Sheehan, a [...]


Tags: U.S. News