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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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September 11, 2005
Democrats Propose Agency to Manage FEMA Disasters
by Scott Ott

(2005-09-11) -- Democrats in Congress will introduce a bill this week creating a massive new federal agency to coordinate relief operations for, and provide emergency services to, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

The new Federal Emergency Management Management Agency (FEMMA) will have an operating budget of $700 billion annually and employ 55,000 people, most of whom were passed over for jobs with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).

"The disastrous mismanagement of relief operations in the wake of Hurricane Katrina made clear the need for federal government coordination of the federal government's coordination of disaster relief," said Sen. Hillary Clinton, a co-sponsor of the legislation. "If FEMMA had already existed, we could have sent a helicopter in there and rescued FEMA Director Mike Brown in the first couple of days, before he got in over his head."

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