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September 08, 2005
Hillary: FEMA Not Ready for End of World
by Scott Ott

(2005-09-08) -- Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, accused the Bush administration of so crippling the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that the country is now vulnerable to a variety of world-ending cataclysmic events.

"The federal government is completely unprepared for a planetary collision, a reversal of the earth's rotation and many other disasters that would snuff out civilization," said Sen. Clinton. "Thanks to President Bush, FEMA is hamstrung by bureaucrats at Homeland Security. If they can't immediately, simultaneously care for hundreds of thousands of flood victims in the South, how will they function when the end comes?"

The senator added that some experts believe FEMA staffing could be drastically reduced under a "final bailout" scenario, limiting federal emergency responders to those who are "left behind."

"When my husband was president, we were ready for the end of the world," said Mrs. Clinton. "And if Bill should ever become the First Gent, we'll be ready again."

A Bush administration spokesman agreed that "having a Clinton in the White House does create a certain sense of expectation."

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