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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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July 28, 2005
Bush to Senate Judiciary: Release Your Own Records
by Scott Ott

(2005-07-28) -- The White House today called for members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to release all of their tax records and other personal documents so Americans can gain insight into the judicial philosophy and character of those who will help choose the next Supreme Court Justice.

"These Senators hold the future of our legal system in their hands," said presidential spokesman Scott McClellan. "They're going to place someone on the court who may serve for 20 or 30 years. So, we need to probe their ideology, and directly ask them whether they will vote for Judge John Roberts before confirmation hearings begin."

The Bush administration has a team of lawyers standing by ready to comb through millions of pages of senatorial documents in an attempt to brand some Judiciary Committee members as "extremists who are out of step with mainstream America."

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