July 14, 2005
Bush Sends Wilson on Rove Probe Mission by Scott Ott (2005-07-14) -- President George Bush today announced he would send former Ambassador Joe Wilson into Washington D.C. to probe whether White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove leaked the identity of a covert CIA agent. "When we sent Joe Wilson to Niger a few years ago," Mr. Bush said, "he couldn't find evidence to prove or disprove whether Iraq sought nuculer (sic) materials, so he said Saddam Hussein was innocent. Now, I'm sending him to find out whether Karl Rove outed a CIA agent. I'm sure Mr. Wilson will conduct his investigation with the same skill and work-ethic he used in Niger." Mr. Wilson immediately announced that he would launch his probe by having tea with some people who had once met Mr. Rove. An unnamed source in Vice President Cheney's office said Mr. Wilson was recommended for the Rove investigation by a famous covert CIA agent to whom Mr. Wilson is married. Donate | More Satire | Printer-Friendly | |
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