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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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March 15, 2005
Sudan Accuses Michael Jackson of Molestation
by Scott Ott

(2005-03-15) -- The people of the African nation of Sudan today accused American pop singer Michael Jackson of molestation in a bid to get international attention for the armed conflict, starvation and disease which kills an estimated 10,000 Sudanese each month.

"Michael Jackson must come to the Darfur region to face trial," said the Sudanese attorney who filed the class-action lawsuit. "We're asking the court to subpoena Mr. Jackson and the entire retinue of reporters who now follow his every move."

The lawyer said if this tactic fails to draw attention to the human disaster which has killed an estimated 180,000 people, then he plans to stage a high-speed car chase through Darfur and offer live helicopter shots of the event to American TV networks.

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