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March 04, 2005
New York 'Jittery' as Prison Releases Martha Stewart
by Scott Ott

(2005-03-04) -- Residents of New York and neighboring states were on edge today as one of the nation's most notorious criminals, Martha Stewart, was released from a West Virginia prison.

"Stock brokers will be watching their backs," said one Wall Street executive. "We're all a bit jittery. She's done her time, but did the correctional institution really correct her?"

Almost no one interviewed for this story would allow his name to be used, fearing reprisals from the wealthy convict who remains under house arrest.

"In the world of finance, your word is your bond," said one unnamed bond trader. "If she lied to federal investigators, what might she do to a simple, naive Wall Street trader? I'm not sleeping well. I feel vulnerable."

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he has beefed up security in the financial district, and every police officer carries a photo and description of Martha Stewart.

"New Yorkers just have to live their normal lives," said Mr. Bloomberg. "Go to work. Make deals. Use your cellphone. We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."

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