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March 04, 2005
Ward Churchill to Seek Byrd's Senate Seat in 2006
by Scott Ott

(2005-03-04) -- With uncertain career prospects at the University of Colorado, virtual Native American professor Ward Churchill today announced he would move to West Virginia to seek the seat currently held by 47-year Senate veteran Robert Byrd.

Mr. Byrd this week again demonstrated the political skill and statesmanship that helped him carry every county in West Virginia in 2000 as he compared Republican political tactics to those of the most famous German who ever lived.

Mr. Churchill, now on a lucrative speaking tour to explain the similarities between 9/11 victims and another well-known German leader, said he would be the ideal replacement for Mr. Byrd in a state "where a man can speak his mind without regard for consequences...or for that matter, without consequences at all."

"Sen. Byrd must have some virtual Indian blood in him too," said Mr. Churchill. "As he closes out his distinguished Senate career in 2006, West Virginians will search for man to step into his moccasins. I have already walked a mile in those moccasins. I stand ready to serve."

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