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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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March 01, 2005
Blogosphere Lets Talk Radio Host Keep Job
by Scott Ott

(2005-03-01) -- The blogosphere, an ad hoc coalition of pajama-clad scribes who write so well they don't need editors, today announced that national talk radio host Mike Gallagher can keep his job with the Salem Radio Network after Mr. Gallagher issued an "appropriately contrite" statement about his previous ridicule of bloggers in general.

Mr. Gallagher said he was sorry for referring to all bloggers as "geeky losers in their basements cranking out crap on their computers," and said that description should only apply to "the ones who really are geeky losers."

Although the blogosphere has a track record for bringing down national media figures -- like New York Times editors, CBS producers and CNN executives -- Mr. Gallagher's mea culpa spawned sympathy and tolerance among bloggers.

"Mike Gallagher can keep his job on a probationary basis," said an unnamed spokesman for the blogosphere. "The vote was close, but the geeky losers couldn't assemble a big enough coalition to get Gallagher fired."

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