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February 04, 2005
Dems to Stage Spontaneous Hug of Their Own
by Scott Ott

(2005-02-04) -- In an effort to capitalize on the emotional power of the now-famous hug during the president's state of the union address, Congressional Democrats today will stage a warm embrace of their own.

During the president's speech Wednesday night, the mother of a slain U.S. Marine was spontaneously hugged by the daughter of an Iraqi killed by Saddam Hussein. The image captured the hearts of people in both nations as it highlighted what is at stake in Iraq.

In response, Congressional Democrats plan a news media event today which will highlight their party's contribution to global freedom.

According to planners, during a stirring speech by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV, he'll introduce the mother of an unnamed U.S. soldier who is currently absent without leave (AWOL). Later, the Senator will recognize the sister of an Iraqi al Qaeda suicide bomber, and the two will impulsively share a hug.

"Image is everything," said Mr. Reid. "That's what my mother taught me, between loads of other people's laundry back in Searchlight, Nevada. We Democrats are the party of hugs. Hugging is one of our God-given Democrat values that God gave us Democrats and that we value because it comes from God."

The senator then offered to hug a nearby reporter.

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