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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 23, 2005
Eagles Win NFC Title, Fans Boo Hot Dog Vendor
by Scott Ott

(2005-01-23) -- As the clock wound down to the Eagles first NFC championship in four consecutive attempts, confused Philadelphia fans began booing an incompetent food vendor who dropped a hotdog.

"I felt sorry for the poor guy," said one Conshohocken resident who witnessed the verbal assault. "Philadelphia fans are just so accustomed to booing at the end of the NFC title game, that when the Eagles won they had to vent on someone."

The vendor escaped without injury, however, he said he's still in shock.

"I thought they liked me," said the man, still trembling. "It was always 'Hey, Hot Dog man!' They always seemed happy to see me. Then I drop one dog, and suddenly they're on me like sauerkraut."

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