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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 12, 2005
Apple Offers $29 Nano-Mac, Hardware Not Included
by Scott Ott

[Updated 2005-09-07. Details below.]
(2005-01-12) -- In another uncharacteristic effort to woo the masses, Apple CEO Steve Jobs today announced that starting in February his company would ship a "starter version" of the iconic Macintosh computer which will sell for only $29 -- hardware not included.

The announcement follows yesterday's launch of a $499 Mac mini -- a small metal box with no monitor, keyboard, mouse, or other peripherals.

The new $29 Apple Nano-Mac promises to "reduce desktop clutter, while instilling the confidence and feelings of self-worth shared by Mac users worldwide," Mr. Jobs said.

And while critics charged that the bargain-priced Nano-Mac is "little more than a silver Apple logo sticker on an empty matchbox with no ports, plugs, peripherals or programs," Mr. Jobs was quick to point out that all of those "high-end extras can be purchased at by users who like the Mac culture and zeitgeist and want to upgrade to a more hardware-centric experience."

[UPDATE: If you came to this page looking for the new iPod Nano, here are some links (below). No lawsuit is pending over ScrappleFace's previous use of the word 'Nano' in connection with an Apple product because our attorney advises us that Microsoft already owns the rights to such names.]

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