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January 10, 2005
Dan Rather: 'Our Long National Nightmare is Over'
by Scott Ott

(2005-01-10) -- Veteran CBS News anchor Dan Rather greeted today's release of the 224-page report on the 60 Minutes 'memogate' scandal by saying, "Our long national nightmare is over. Now is the time, in fact, it is past time to move on."

The report showed that Mr. Rather, and at least four colleagues, suffered from a condition called 'myopic zeal,' which is apparently terminal in four-out-of-five cases.

"Usually, the buck stops here," said Mr. Rather. "But in this case, the buck stopped over there. So, now I return to the seat of trust, behind the desk of integrity at CBS."

After his retirement from the CBS Evening News in March, Mr. Rather said he may pursue doing commercial endorsements.

"My agent has already been contacted by Dupont," he said, "about a series of educational TV spots on the benefits of Teflon."

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