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December 09, 2004
Rumsfeld Sparks Wave of 'Mouthing Off' to the Boss
by Scott Ott

(2004-12-09) -- Boisfeuillet Jones Jr., publisher and CEO of the Washington Post, today blamed Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for attacks Mr. Jones endured at a recent town-hall style meeting of Post employees.

"Ever since Rumsfeld let those troops air their grievances in an open meeting, our employees have been out of control," said Mr. Jones. "They destroyed my team meeting today with their complaints about aging equipment, long hours and inadequate pay. Not to mention the raucous cheering after each whining question."

In fact, by soliciting and answering unscreened questions from troops in Kuwait, Mr. Rumsfeld sparked what may become an epidemic of underlings "mouthing off" to supervisors in open meetings, according to business consultant and best-selling author Tom Peters.

"If Rummy takes uncomfortable employee questions in public meetings in front of the media," said Mr. Peters, "how can any corporate CEO hide behind his desk anymore?"

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