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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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December 07, 2004
Clinton-Backed Google Rival Lacks 'Feeling Lucky' Button
by Scott Ott

(2004-12-07) -- A new internet search engine, funded by the Chinese communist government and endorsed by former President Bill Clinton, hopes to challenge Google even though it lacks the search leader's most admired feature -- the 'I'm Feeling Lucky' button. takes it's name from the Swahili phrase hakuna matata ('no worries') popularized by the Disney movie 'The Lion King'.

"Out of respect for President Clinton, we decided not to offer a 'Feeling Lucky' button," said an unnamed Accoona spokesman. "We didn't think it sounded very presidential."

Accoona executives are said to be considering Mr. Clinton's suggestion for a button that would exclude certain sites from search results. The button would tentatively be called 'hakuna enda huko'...which is roughly translated 'don't go there.'

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