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October 29, 2004
Battleground Poll Shows Bush 51, Springsteen 49
by Scott Ott

(2004-10-29) -- The latest presidential poll shows President Bush barely maintaining his slim lead over rock singer/songwriter Bruce Springsteen despite a late surge by the musician in key battleground states.

In an attempt to boost attendance at his campaign rallies, Mr. Springsteen now takes the stage alongside of John Forbes Kerry, the professional Vietnam veteran and distinguished war protestor.

"Kerry brings some star power to my campaign," said Mr. Springsteen, "and this late in the game, I'll take any help I can get. He's not the most articulate guy, but he's got this aura that my supporters just love. I'm hoping some of that mojo will rub off on me."

Indeed, Mr. Kerry's presence at a 'Springsteen for President' rally in Madison, Wisconsin, yesterday helped pull in 80,000 cheering likely voters.

"I like to call John Kerry 'The Boss,'" said Mr. Springsteen. "He says that's better than he gets called at know, so we joke around and just hang out and stuff. We're very close."

Meanwhile, President Bush, asked to respond to his opponent's late surge in the polls, said, "Mr. Springsteen may be born to run, but he cannot hide."

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