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October 28, 2004
Kerry: Americans Deserve Arafat-Quality Healthcare
by Scott Ott

(2004-10-28) -- Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry today unveiled a proposal to provide all Americans with healthcare comparable to that which ailing Palestinian leader Yassir Arafat is now receiving.

"I have a plan to offer Arafat-quality healthcare to each and every family," said the professional Vietnam veteran and distinguished war protestor. "But George W. Bush doesn't want you to see my plan, because he doesn't think you deserve to be flown to Paris for the best medical treatment in the world. I say if it's good enough for a Nobel Peace Prize winner like Chairman Arafat, it's good enough for Joe and Sally Sixpack right here at home."

Mr. Kerry said the details of his plan would be announced after his inauguration, but he intends to pay for the millions of annual Air France Med-Evac flights by rolling back the Bush tax cuts for people who earn more than they deserve.

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