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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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October 20, 2004
Bush to Repeal Voting Rights for Blacks, Women
by Scott Ott

(2004-10-20) -- If George Bush is reelected to a second term, he will not only reinstitute the military draft, but newly-released internet rumors indicate he'll make it illegal for women and Blacks to vote, ban hip-hop and rap music and reinstitute Prohibition.

And that's his agenda for just the first 100 days of his second term, according to variety of reliable sources including MTV, billionaire Democrat activist George Soros, Oscar-winning documentarist Michael Moore, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart and former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean.

Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry said he couldn't confirm the rumors, but agreed that "such things are being said by people I respect."

"This raises some serious questions that Mr. Bush needs to answer," said Mr. Kerry, "At the very least, the news media has an obligation to keep these stories alive until they can be conclusively proved or for the next 13 days, which ever comes first."

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