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September 28, 2004
Kerry Targets Stoned Slackers Via 'The Daily Show'
by Scott Ott

(2004-09-28) -- In the wake of Bill O'Reilly's revelation that viewers of Jon Stewart's 'The Daily Show' are a bunch of "stoned slackers" the Kerry-Edwards presidential campaign today announced a major ad buy on Comedy Central's flagship news program.

"We had been buying time on CBS Evening News and 60 Minutes II to reach the undecided, college educated, leisurely recreational drug users," said a campaign aide. "We've found that stoned slackers--what demographers call 'Generation ZZZZ'--respond well to John Kerry's speaking cadence and his sense of humor."

A recent stoned slacker focus group listened to an excerpt of a speech in which Mr. Kerry, who is also a U.S. Senator, used the comical phrases 'heavens to Betsy' and 'you bet your boots I know what I'm talking about.'

"The group busted up laughing, giggling and snorting," said the campaign source. "It took us 20 minutes and three boxes of Pop-Tarts to get them focused again."

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