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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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August 02, 2004
Kerry: Terror Threats Highlight Most Important Issues
by Scott Ott

(2004-08-02) -- In response to specific terrorist truck-bomb threats against major U.S. financial institutions, Democrat presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry today called for a "livable wage" for minimum-wage workers, more funding for public schools and a government-controlled health care system for all Americans.

"These threats from alleged potential lawbreakers cast a stark light on the most important issues of our day," said Mr. Kerry, who is also a U.S. Senator. "If the terrorists strike they may kill underpaid heads of household, underpaid school teachers and other people who can't afford health insurance."

Mr. Kerry added that if he were in the White House today, "these potential future victims would have had better, government-sponsored, lives before they met their untimely end. And we would aggressively prosecute their killers through the courts."

"These are the issues that really matter to Americans," he said. "Unfortunately, George Bush has been so distracted by alleged threats to the homeland and by rounding up so-called terrorists, that he has lost touch with the average citizen. Mr. Bush acts as if government's primary job were to provide for the common defense, rather than to guarantee the right of single-payor healthcare for all."

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