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July 29, 2004
Kerry Eager to Meet Candidate Edwards Described
by Scott Ott

(2004-07-29) -- John Forbes Kerry said that he's eager to meet the man John Edwards described in his speech last night to the Democrat convention.

"I look forward to shaking hands with the strong, decisive leader that Senator Edwards talked about," said Mr. Kerry from the living room of his Boston home. "I didn't catch his name, but his character reminds me of a young John Kerry--the kind of man I was in Vietnam."

Mr. Edwards, who delivered a stirring emotional speech on populist themes, insisted that he spoke of Mr. Kerry himself, despite the latter's image as a stoic, aloof elitist.

After hearing the speech, Mr. Kerry said, "Edwards almost had me believing that 'hope is on the way.' He gave me that warm, Clintonesque feeling all over again. I nearly smiled."

Mr. Kerry and Mr. Edwards are also U.S. Senators.

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