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April 22, 2004
Court Rules Clarett Eligible for Military Draft
by Scott Ott

(2004-04-22) -- Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ruled today that former Ohio State football player Maurice Clarett is not eligible for the NFL draft. However, because he is black and a college drop-out, he is a top candidate if Congress should reinstate the military draft.

"As long as Mr. Clarett stays out of the NFL," wrote Justice Ginsburg, "he will also have the benefit of relatively-low economic status, thereby making him the perfect candidate for the military draft."

Meanwhile, Sen. Chuck Hagel, R/D-NE, increased his attacks on the all-volunteer military and repeated calls for reinstating the draft.

"The current system disproportionately endangers those who willingly enlist to serve their country," said Mr. Hagel, "To be fair, the military needs more men and women who don't want to be in the military."

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