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March 08, 2004
Gay Marriage: Kerry Admits He's 'Biblically Bi-Textual'
by Scott Ott

(2004-03-08) -- Weighing in on the debate over same-sex marriage, Sen. John Forbes Kerry today confessed that he is "Biblically bi-textual."

The admission came as Mr. Kerry defended his principled stand opposing homosexual marriage while favoring same-sex civil unions with marriage-equivalent rights and privileges.

"I'm a Christian. I've read the Bible," Mr. Kerry told a crowd of supporters in Tougaloo, Mississippi, "and I know you can find the clauses that go both ways. I'm not here to argue that with you."

A spokesman for Mr. Kerry later clarified the candidate's remarks, saying: "Senator Kerry has read the Bible both in English, which reads left to right, and his ancestral language, Hebrew, which reads right to left. So, in that sense, you can find clauses in the Bible that go both ways."

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