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March 01, 2004
Peter Jackson, Pixar Team Up on 'Finding Smeagol'
by Scott Ott

(2004-03-01) -- Oscar-sweeping director Peter Jackson this morning said he would team up with Pixar Studios, which last night won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film, to produce a rollicking adventure tentatively titled "Finding Smeagol."

Mr. Jackson, whose trilogy capstone 'Return of the King' (ROTK) captured 11 Oscars, inluding Best Picture and Best Director, said he was "eager to explore what ever happened to Smeagol (also called Gollum) after he disappeared into that river of molten lava at the end of ROTK. Because the film already had six endings, we really didn't have time to resolve Smeagol's story. It was a cliff hanger, if you will, which shouts for a sequel."

For Pixar's part, a studio spokesman said 'Finding Smeagol' will challenge its computer animation experts to "create a whole believable world in spectacular, graceful orange, all at about 2,200 degrees Fahrenheit. Anyone who's ever seen a lava lamp has imagined what it would be like to live in that stuff."

The story will follow the adventures of Smeagol's father, voiced by Albert Brooks, as he searches for his jewelry-obsessed, prodigal son.

Mr. Jackson plans to shoot much of 'Finding Smeagol' on location at New Zealand's Ruapehu volcano. The film will combine live actors with computer-generated imaging (CGI) animation in ways never before attempted. Andy Serkis will reprise the role of Smeagol/Gollum, and is already being fitted with a special 'heat resistant' costume.

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