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February 16, 2004
Dean Says NASCAR Photo Links Kerry, Bush
by Scott Ott

(2004-02-16) -- Just a week after an old photo showed presidential candidate John Forbes Kerry and actress Jane Fonda at an anti-war rally in the 1970s, Howard Dean's campaign today released a new image which appears to link Mr. Kerry with President George Bush at a NASCAR event this weekend.

"George Bush and John Kerry are cut from the same cloth," said Mr. Dean as he distributed copies of the picture to reporters. "A vote for Kerry is a vote for Bush."

The photo appears to show Mr. Kerry, in a racing suit among a group of NASCAR drivers clustered around Mr. Bush.

A spokesman for the Kerry campaign said, "The Senator is a big racing fan, and was just hanging out in the pits at Daytona as he often does at NASCAR events."

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