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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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February 16, 2004
Kerry: Ordinary Americans Don't Need High Incomes
by Scott Ott

(2004-02-16) -- Democrat presidential frontrunner John Forbes Kerry, who favors raising taxes on families that earn more than $200,000 annually, said today that "ordinary American families don't need that kind of loot."

"There's no legitimate reason why a commoner needs that much cash," said the multimillionaire Senator who married the heiress of the Heinz food fortune. "Joe and Sally Sixpack would just waste the money on bland food, mall-store clothing, cookie-cutter homes, tacky decorative items and education for their mediocre spawn."

Mr. Kerry said that raising taxes on anyone who crosses the $200,000 threshold would "disincentify common folks from earning too much" thus reducing the demand for "crass products."

"Higher taxes on such people will help prevent the debasing of our culture and put us on the road to becoming more like Europe," he said.

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