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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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January 31, 2004
Bush Turns to Clinton for Election Advice
by Scott Ott

(2004-01-31) -- Former President Bill Clinton paid a visit to the White House yesterday, just hours after offering campaign advice to Congressional Democrats, at a time when a new poll shows President George Bush in a virtual dead-heat with Democrat presidential candidate John F. Kerry.

"I gave the president a few little ideas," said Mr. Clinton as he emerged from an hour of doling out political wisdom to Mr. Bush and White House political advisor Karl Rove.

"I told George and Karl that the only way to win re-election is to move to the center," Mr. Clinton said. "Heck, he's pumping money into public education, the National Endowment for the Arts and a huge new Medicare entitlement. He's proposing to let illegal immigrants work in the U.S.. I said, 'George, you gotta move to the right. Get in the center. America is not that liberal'."

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